Slack Markdown List

.list of custom conversion patterns for post processing 'customConversion' = ' =>. This class implements markdown conversion using PHP. Using Slack with your team? Learn how to use Slack more efficiently with these tips, shortcuts, and Slack apps. Get more done in less time! If you want some text to show up exactly as you write it, without Markdown doing anything to it, just indent. This starts a list.with. numbers + this.

How to Run sp_Blitz for a Quick Health Assessment

Download & install sp_Blitz in any database – it checks the health of the entire server no matter which database it’s installed in. (I usually use the master database just because if it’s installed in there, then you can call it from any database.)

Then run:

That’s the fastest way to run sp_Blitz because it skips checking objects inside the databases, like heaps and triggers. Once you’re comfortable with sp_Blitz’s speed, then you can remove that parameter and get even more advice on your system.

Slack Markdown List

It returns a prioritized health assessment with the most urgent issues at the top, like database corruption or missing backups:

I like to joke that Priority 1-50 are the reasons why people get fired. If there’s a warning you don’t recognize or understand, copy/paste the URL from the URL column into your browser, and I’ve written a ton of free documentation that explains the issue and how to get it fixed.

How to get support for sp_Blitz

The sp_Blitz documentation covers additional parameters that will return more results, store the results to a table, and even output the results in Markdown for easy copy/pasting.

Slack Api Markdown List

sp_Blitz works on SQL Server 2008 and newer, but if you use an older version, take heart: there’s an older sp_Blitz in the Deprecated folder of theFirst Responder Kit that still works in 2005.

For free interactive support, you’ve got a few good options:

  • Talk with us in the #FirstResponderKit Slack channel (if you need a free invite, hit
  • Post a question at and the community (that includes us!) will help. Include the version of sp_Blitz, your SQL Server version number (including the build #), and tag it with sp_Blitz.
  • To make code improvements or report a bug, visit the Github issues list and read the Contributing Guide

Typemill uses Markdown for writing. Never heard of Markdown? Markdown is a simple syntax for text formatting, and it is very similar to the markup used by Wikipedia. Markdown uses a handful of special characters like # and * to format the text.

The big advantage for writers: They don't have to click a button to format a headline or to create a list. Instead they can format the text during the writing process without any interruptions. This speeds up your writing process tremendously. This is a short example of some markdown text:

Markdown is used by a lot of technology platforms like GitHub and StackOverflow. With popular tools like Trello and Slack, it is also entering the non technical mainstream.

#Markdown Quick Reference

Slack Markdown Bullets

This is a quick reference table. For a detailed reference with examples, please check the Markdown reference page.

Slack Markdown Listing

[TOC]Table of content
#Headline - first level
######Headline - sixth level
simple textParagraph
_italic_Italic text
*italic*Italic text
__bold__Bold text
**bold**Bold text
- list itemUnordered list
* list itemUnordered list
5. ordered listOrdered list (use any number you want).
---Horizontal rule
[link text](
![alt text](/path/to/image.jpg)Image
> interesting quoteBlockquote
footnote[^1] r [^1]:footnote textFootnote
*[HTML]:Hyper Text Markup LanguageAbbreviation
Apple r : Green thingy growing on treesDefinition list
|name |usage | r |-----------|-----------| r | My Name | For Me |Table
`Inline code
``Inline math expression
```Code block
```latexMath block