Http Cheat Sheet


Content types that are acceptable for the response

Status: Permanent

Character sets that are acceptable

Status: Permanent


List of acceptable human languages for response

Status: Permanent

Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication

Status: Permanent

Used to specify directives that MUST be obeyed by all caching mechanisms along the request/response chain

Status: Permanent

What type of connection the user-agent would prefer

Status: Permanent

The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes)

Status: Permanent

A Base64-encoded binary MD5 sum of the content of the request body

Status: Permanent

The MIME type of the body of the request (used with POST and PUT requests)

Status: Permanent

The date and time that the message was sent (in HTTP-date format as defined by RFC 2616)

Status: Permanent

Indicates that particular server behaviors are required by the client

Status: Permanent

The email address of the user making the request

Status: Permanent

The domain name of the server (for virtual hosting), and the TCP port number on which the server is listening. The port number may be omitted if the port is the standard port for the service requested. Mandatory since HTTP/1.1. Although domain name are specified as case-insensitive, it is not specified whether the contents of the Host field should be interpreted in a case-insensitive manner and in practice some implementations of virtual hosting interpret the contents of the Host field in a case-sensitive manner

Status: Permanent

Only perform the action if the client supplied entity matches the same entity on the server. This is mainly for methods like PUT to only update a resource if it has not been modified since the user last updated it

Status: Permanent

Allows a 304 Not Modified to be returned if content is unchanged

Status: Permanent

Allows a 304 Not Modified to be returned if content is unchanged

Status: Permanent

If the entity is unchanged, send me the part(s) that I am missing; otherwise, send me the entire new entity

Status: Permanent

Only send the response if the entity has not been modified since a specific time

Status: Permanent

Limit the number of times the message can be forwarded through proxies or gateways

Status: Permanent

Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain

Status: Permanent

Authorization credentials for connecting to a proxy

Status: Permanent

Request only part of an entity. Bytes are numbered from 0

Status: Permanent

This is the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. The word “referrer” is misspelled in the RFC as well as in most implementations

Status: Permanent

The transfer encodings the user agent is willing to accept: the same values as for the response header Transfer-Encoding can be used, plus the trailers value (related to the chunked transfer method) to notify the server it expects to receive additional headers (the trailers) after the last, zero-sized, chunk

Status: Permanent

The user agent string of the user agent

Status: Permanent

Informs the server of proxies through which the request was sent

Status: Permanent

A general warning about possible problems with the entity body

Status: Permanent

An HTTP cookie previously sent by the server with Set-Cookie

Status: Permanent - Standard

Initiates a request for cross-origin resource sharing (asks server for an Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header)

Status: Permanent - Standard

What's A Cheat Sheet

HTML Cheat Sheet by Dave Child png, pdf ( HTML & XHTML Tag Quick Reference pdf ( HTML5 Cheat Sheet by Bryan / ReviewBox png and pdf, spanish (latin america) jpg and pdf ( HTML5 Cheat Sheet by Robert Mening png, pdf ( A cheat sheet (also cheatsheet) or crib sheet is a concise set of notes used for quick reference. Cheat sheets are so named because they may be used by students without the instructor's knowledge to cheat. HTTP Strict Transport Security Cheat Sheet. Transport Layer Protection Cheat Sheet. TLS Cipher String Cheat Sheet. V9.2 Server Communications Security Requirements. HTML input elements can be of type number.These input fields allow the user to enter only numbers and a few special characters inside the field. The example code block shows an input with a type of number and a name of balance.When the input field is a part of a form, the form will receive a key-value pair with the format: name: value after form submission.

Common Non-Standard Request Headers

Mainly used to identify Ajax requests. Some JavaScript frameworks send this field with value of XMLHttpRequest, such as jQuery.

  • XMLHttpRequest - Ajax request



Content-Types that are acceptable for the response

Status: Permanent

Specifying which web sites can participate in cross-origin resource sharing

Status: Provisional

Used in redirection, or when a new resource has been created. This refresh redirects after 5 seconds:

Status: Proprietary/non-standard: a header extension introduced by Netscape and supported by most web browsers

Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale

Status: Permanent - Standard


A HSTS Policy informing the HTTP client how long to cache the HTTPS only policy and whether this applies to subdomains

Status: Permanent - Standard

Specifies which patch document formats this server supports

Status: Permanent

What partial content range types this server supports

Status: Permanent

The age the object has been in a proxy cache in seconds

Status: Permanent

Valid actions for a specified resource. To be used for a 405 Method not allowed

Status: Permanent

Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds

Status: Permanent

Options that are desired for the connection

Status: Permanent

The type of encoding used on the data

Status: Permanent


The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes)

Status: Permanent

An alternate location for the returned data

Status: Permanent

A Base64-encoded binary MD5 sum of the content of the response

Status: Permanent

An opportunity to raise a 'File Download' dialogue box for a known MIME type with binary format or suggest a filename for dynamic content. Quotes are necessary with special characters

Status: Permanent

Where in a full body message this partial message belongs

Status: Permanent


The date and time that the message was sent (in HTTP-date format as defined by RFC 2616)

Status: Permanent

An identifier for a specific version of a resource, often a message digest

Status: Permanent

The last modified date for the requested object (in HTTP-date format as defined by RFC 2616)

Status: Permanent

Used to express a typed relationship with another resource, where the relation type is defined by RFC 5988

Status: Permanent

Used in redirection, or when a new resource has been created

Status: Permanent

This header is supposed to set P3P policy, in the form of P3P:CP='your_compact_policy'. However, P3P did not take off, most browsers have never fully implemented it, a lot of websites set this header with fake policy text, that was enough to fool browsers the existence of P3P policy and grant permissions for third party cookies

Status: Permanent

Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain

Status: Permanent

Request authentication to access the proxy

Status: Permanent

If an entity is temporarily unavailable, this instructs the client to try again later. Value could be a specified period of time (in seconds) or a HTTP-date

Status: Permanent


The Trailer general field value indicates that the given set of header fields is present in the trailer of a message encoded with chunked transfer-coding

Status: Permanent

The form of encoding used to safely transfer the entity to the user. Currently defined methods are: chunked, compress, deflate, gzip, identity

Status: Permanent

Ask the server to upgrade to another protocol

Status: Permanent

Tells downstream proxies how to match future request headers to decide whether the cached response can be used rather than requesting a fresh one from the origin server

Status: Permanent

A general warning about possible problems with the entity body

Status: Permanent

Indicates the authentication scheme that should be used to access the requested entity

Status: Permanent

Common Non-Standard Response Headers

Clickjacking protection:

  • deny - no rendering within a frame
  • sameorigin - no rendering if origin mismatch


Content Security Policy definition

The only defined value, nosniff, prevents Internet Explorer from MIME-sniffing a response away from the declared content-type. This also applies to Google Chrome, when downloading extensions

Specifies the technology (e.g. ASP.NET, PHP, JBoss) supporting the web application (version details are often in X-Runtime, X-Version, or X-AspNet-Version)

Recommends the preferred rendering engine (often a backward-compatibility mode) to use to display the content. Also used to activate Chrome Frame in Internet Explorer

A cheat sheet that is used contrary to the rules of an exam may need to be small enough to conceal in the palm of the hand
Cheat sheet in a juice box

A cheat sheet (also cheatsheet) or crib sheet is a concise set of notes used for quick reference.

Cheat sheets are so named because they may be used by students without the instructor's knowledge to cheat on a test. However, at higher levels of education where rote memorization is not as important as in basic education, students may be permitted to consult their own notes (crib notes, or crib sheet) during the exam (which is not considered cheating). The act of preparing a crib sheet can be an educational exercise, and students are sometimes only allowed to use crib sheets they have written themselves.

A cheat sheet is a physical piece of paper, often filled with equations and/or facts in compressed writing. Students often print cheat sheets in extremely small font, fitting an entire page of notes in the palm of their hands during the exam.

Crib sheets are also fully worked solutions for exams or work sheets normally handed out to university staff in order to ease marking (grading).

As reference cards[edit]

In more general usage, a crib sheet is any short (one- or two-page) reference to terms, commands, or symbols where the user is expected to understand the use of such terms but not necessarily to have memorized all of them. Many computer applications, for example, have crib sheets included in their documentation, which list keystrokes or menu commands needed to achieve specific tasks to save the user the effort of digging through an entire manual to find the keystroke needed to, for example, move between two windows. An example of such a crib sheet is one for the GIMP photo editing software.[1] Other examples include 'Read Me First' and 'Quick Reference Card' documents included with consumer electronics.

Some academic and technical publishers also publish crib sheets for software packages and technical topics. In some cases these are also intended as display items in that they are colorful and visually appealing. Web-based crib sheets, such as references to terms, commands, or symbols, have become extremely common.

See also[edit]


  1. ^'GIMP Keys and Mouse Reference'. Retrieved 2008-03-08.

External links[edit]

Http Request Cheat Sheet

  • The dictionary definition of cheat sheet at Wiktionary

Http Status Code Cheat Sheet

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